Quiz 9

Spark conversation via what you know and what you don’t know! Gather your team, grab a hot drink and challenge yourself with this weeks 10 question quiz. All answers can be found at the bottom of the page.

What is the capital of Iceland?

What was the Turkish city of Istanbul called before 1930?

From which US city do the band The Killers originate?

Name the coffee shop in US sitcom Friends.

One smile can generate the same level of brain stimulation as how many chocolate bars? 

 In what year did Tony Blair become British Prime Minister?

How many times has England won the men’s football World Cup?

What is the common name for the larva of a housefly?

Street artist Banksy is originally associated with which British city?

From what grain is the Japanese spirit Sake made?


  1. Reykjavík
  2. Constantinople
  3. Las Vegas
  4. Central Perk
  5. Up to 2000 – a smile induces more pleasure in the brain than chocolate 
  6. 1997
  7. Once (1966)
  8. Maggot
  9. Bristol
  10. Rice


Quiz 10

Spark conversation via what you know and what you don’t know! Gather your team, grab a hot drink and challenge yourself with this weeks 10

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Quiz 8

Spark conversation via what you know and what you don’t know! Gather your team, grab a hot drink and challenge yourself with this weeks 10

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Quiz 7

Spark conversation via what you know and what you don’t know! Gather your team, grab a hot drink and challenge yourself with this weeks 10

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